Friday, July 15, 2016

Baking Soda for instant relief from IC flare

During one of my worst flares I was searching online for some remedies, and precisely then I came across the usage of baking soda to control IC flares. Let me confess, so far baking soda is the only thing that gives me instant relief from a flare. It works better than pyridium for me. 

Many patients in various IC forums vouch for baking soda. However many doctors debate it. Many doctors believe that it unnecessarily increases the sodium content in the body. If a patient has high blood pressure, or has to follow a salt restricted diet then usage of baking soda is not recommended at all.

Baking soda gives instant relief from acidic food induced flares. It alkalizes the pH balance of urine and gives relief. However baking soda should not be used frequently. Within a day not more than three times.

Take a large glass of water and add ½ teaspoon of baking soda. Dissolve it well by stirring and then drink it. You will get relief from burning and pain within half an hour. 

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