Wednesday, April 11, 2018

ESSIC 2017- Budapest

ESSIC 2017 was held in the Hungarian Capital of Budapest.  The highlights of the meeting were to decide the right nomenclature for Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome. While a part of the medical researchers insists on naming it Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS) the other half want it to be called Chronic Pain/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. Refer to the following screenshots for better understanding:

In this meeting, a step by step guideline was also given to diagnose IC/BPS. Often diagnosing the disease becomes a challenge for the medical practitioner. But hopefully the following slide would prove helpful:

Often men are neglected as IC patients because it is believed that 80% of the IC patients are female. The following slide would explain the prevalence of IC in men.

The meeting was represented by Dr.Rajesh Taneja from India and Ms. Balaka Basu represented the patient forum of India. It was a great opportunity to meet medical practitioners, researchers and patient's representatives from all across the world. Dr. Taneja spoke about the importance of diet is managing IC/BPS. He corroborated his research with case studies.

Dr. Taneja delivering his speech
ESSIC 2018 was a brilliant opportunity for patient forums from all over the world to meet. There was a dedicated session for patient advocacy. Jane Meijink, the patient representative from the Netherlands, presided over the session. Gail Benshabat from Canada shared a heart-wrenching story of she lost her daughter Liza to IC. The entire auditorium was in tears after her speech. Representatives from Italy, Spain, Israel, and India also share their experiences.

Jane Meijink, Dr. Robert Moldwin and Dr. Rajesh Taneja moderating the patient's session.

Gail Benshabat 

The ESSIC 2018 meeting was held at the prestigious Hungarian Institute of Sciences. It was a grand building overlooking the Danube.

Hungarian Institute of Science

Here are few photos of the delegates from the meeting.

L-R- Balaka Basu, Jane Meijink, Gail Benshabat, Dr. Lovaz Sandor, Dr. Robert Moldwin, Dr. Rajesh Taneja

Jane Meijink and Balaka Basu

Prof. Lovaz Sandor

The patient representatives from India, Israel and Canada

Some entertainment with Hungarian folk performers

ESSIC 2019 will be held in Florence from Nov 29- Dec 1. 

Yoga For Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome: 5 Yoga Poses For Instant Relief From IC Pain

  Discover the healing power of yoga with our latest video: " 5 Yoga Poses to Reduce Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms ." Living with...